Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
Publisher | Zaporizhzhia National Technical University |
E-ISSN | 2313-688X |
Print ISSN | 1607-3274 |
URL | http://ric.zntu.edu.ua/ |
Chief Editor | Valentin Pogosov |
Contact email | subbotin@zntu.edu.ua |
Address | Sergey Subbotin, Deputy Editor in Chief |
Country | Ukraine |
Impact Factor Or Status | 0.34 |
Journal Description |
The scientific journal «Radio
Electronics, Computer Science, Control» has been published since 1999
by Zaporizhzhia National Technical University twice per year. Articles
published and peer-reviewed free of charge. The fee for publication and
peer review is not paid. Journal provides policy of free of charge
on-line access for full-text publications. The journal scope includes,
but is not limited to: radio physics, micro-, nano- and radio
electronics, computer hardware and software, computer networks and
telecommunications, algorithm and programming theory, optimization and
operations research, machine-machine and man-machine interfacing,
mathematical modeling and computer simulation, data and signal
processing, artificial intelligence, including knowledge-based and
expert systems, data mining, pattern recognition, artificial neural and
neuro-fuzzy networks, fuzzy logics, swarm intelligence and multiagent
systems, hybrid systems.
Journal Language |
English, Russian, Ukrainian
Accessibility Type (Free/Paid) |
Area of Specialization |
Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
Starting Year of the Journal |
Online Availability (Yes/No) |
Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content) |
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