Veterinary World

Veterinary World

Publisher Veterinary World
E-ISSN 2231-0916
Print ISSN 0972-8988
Chief Editor Anjum V. Sherasiya
Contact email
Address Veterinary World 101-C, Pooja Complex, Nr. GPO. Rajkot 360 001 (Gujarat) India
Country India
Impact Factor Or Status 0.27
Journal Description
Aims and Scope: Veterinary World publishes high quality and novelty papers focusing on Veterinary and Animal Science. The fields of study are bacteriology, parasitology, virology, immunology, nutrition, gynecology, surgery, prion diseases and epidemiology. Food animals, companion animals, equines, wild animals, laboratory animals and animal models of human infections are considered. Studies on zoonotic and emerging infections are highly appreciated. All articles published by Veterinary World are made freely and permanently accessible online. All articles to Veterinary World are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. All articles will be assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) whereby they become searchable and citable without delay. Audience: Veterinary World readers represent education, industry and government, including research, teaching, administration, veterinary medicine and technical services in more than 140 countries. Veterinary World is of interest to those in veterinary medicine, infectious diseases, public health, parasitology, food science, epidemiology, immunology, virology, bacteriology, nutrition, pathology, physiology, gynaecology, wildlife.
Journal Language
Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)
Area of Specialization
Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science
Starting Year of the Journal
Online Availability (Yes/No)
Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)
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