My online presence

Currently I am engaged in two ePortfolio initiatives. One is the Professional Electronic Portfolio course - where as part of this I have to examine what makes up my online presence, and the other is an ePortfolio community of practice ( EpCoP) where participants are currently sharing stories about their online presence. The  EpCoP has been set up to explore ePortfolios and their uses and to develop an ePortfolio community of practice.  For both these communities, I have thrown together all the web-based sites I access regularly to illustrate how I spend my time online, and the mix of tools I use to create an online presence. Hence the Wordle image.

All the teaching I am engaged in these days also requires me to have an online presence. I develop and use open educational resources, and I use a range of strategies for interacting with the class and facilitating their learning experience. By having an ePortfolio - this blog and a wiki user page - it is very easy to keep my profile and my achievements handy, and to update and contextualize them. Unfortunately, I don't spend enough time on the updating side of things, nor have I been that effective at keeping all the projects I have been involved in linked into my portfolio. I see the wiki as a more static porfolio resource, containing documentation of my achievements and also supporting evidence, whereas the blog is used as a way to convey my professional philosophy - attitudes, beliefs, and values - and evidence of critical reflection on my work.

So far I have not been very good at gathering all the evidence together in a common storage locker, e.g., Mahara or Pebble Pad. This is because I prefer to use a variety of web-based tools, so I tend to have stuff all over the place. What I do need to do is feed all my material from the social networking sites I use into one spot, and I can easily do this on my WikiEducator user page.

My online presence is all over the place - on a recent search on Google I found wads of material I had forgotten about. The impervious finger in many pies syndrome. So the octopus which is my PLE needs restraining somehow.  Therefore, my goal for an ePortfolio is to create a more organised online presence, one in which I can find myself easily.