Thanksgiving Classroom Activities To Keep You in Charge

All teachers know that carrying out even the simplest lesson plan during the impending holidays can be quite the challenge. Kids are distracted and cooped up; teachers are burned out and short-fused.

But there are ways around the challenges. Today on, frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who is a seasoned tech teacher based in Northern California, offers up some classroom activities that she uses during the pre-Thanksgiving season to maintain control.

Jacqui’s ideas include:

Team Challenge
And More!

She also notes: “Don't forget the ever-popular Thanksgiving-themed education-oriented websites and apps. They are good choices for sponge times, class warm-ups and exit tickets, and when nothing else cerebral seems to work. Here are favorites:”
  1. Canadian Thanksgiving
  2. Online/Offline Thanksgiving activities
  3. Plimoth Plantation
  4. Starfall–Silly Turkey
  5. Thanksgiving games and puzzles
  6. Thanksgiving games–Quia

Jacqui sums up her article thusly: “When kids are too excited to concentrate, teaching is more about adapting to that particular learning style than capitulating. Using these seven suggestions, you can make sure the learning continues even as Thanksgiving pulls their attention away.”