
The pre generation z era saw a bounty of games that the children played after returning home from school, in the evening. We could hear the crackle of laughter that spread throughout the playground aka the war zone for a child and when the kids dragged themselves back exhausted, parents knew that they were drained out of energy and would sleep peacefully at night.

Now the sounds have replaced the roaring/clicking of games that are being played online. The pandemic has just increased the hankering for these virtual online games, with better developed graphics and storyline. Not only were these simple outdoor games crucial for the physical growth of the children but also pivotal for the social developmental skill of the child.

Langdi Taang:

There isn’t anyone who might be unfamiliar with this, rule were pretty simple, one fellow is the chaser would have to hop on one leg and try to tag as many opponents as possible (when played without rules). This built quite a lot of stamina, not so much that one leg looked more beefed up than the other but it was good way to waste our energy and gather new friends along the way.

Chuppam Chappi:

Also known as hide-n-seek (not the cookies) for the English speaking natives. Again rules were pretty much elementary the ‘seeker’ counts up to a certain number (could be ten or hundred depending upon the seekers mood to cheat) while the rest of them hides. The first person caught would be given the golden opportunity to become the next seeker. It’s a fun way to while away time, until all of the player know a good place to hide, then it’s just a drag.

Pithu or Lagori:

Played among two teams where you need to stack flat stones that has been knocked down by the ball thrown by your teammates, while trying to doge the ball thrown by the opponents. God forbid the opponent has some unknown grudge/vengeance on their mind, they’ll be pelting down that ball at you like actual stones and even a tennis ball hits hard when thrown from afar with all one's might. Ouch! fist fight may breakout often enough.

Gilli Danda:

A poor man’s cricket or baseball, delivers the same amount of fun that too with just sticks. Again played off between two team with a small tapered piece of wood that act as the ball or gilli and the bat known as danada. Instead of throwing the gilli, the person batting would strike the gilli placed in a dent on the ground and try to hit it as far as possible, while the fielder try to catch it before it hits the ground.


Although it is has become an international game, its a primary component of our childhood games. Rules are basic, eight/six (if played non-professionally) player will be crouching in a straight line, facing opposite directions while one of them would be chasing the opposite team. The team that eliminate the opponents faster wins.


The India yo-yo with a twist, looked upon with awe and wonderment by the spectators, had massive followers (in today lingo) back in day. To play this you need not require many members and can be played alone as well. It is known by many colloquial names depending on which state you play the game in, it has a wooden top that is mounted on a nail around which the string is wrapped and then released in such a manner that it starts spinning the moment it hits the ground. You needed some practice to gain mastery over the craft.  

It’s always a trip down the memory lane when we read/ hear about the games you once played, these outdoor games although are not completely forgotten but have taken a backseat for some innovative version of the same. 

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