he Government has taken the following steps to promote the use of clean coal technologies:
- For promoting Surface Coal gasification (SCG) in the country, a provision has been made for 50% rebate in revenue share for all future commercial coal block auctions for the coal used in gasification purpose provided the coal quantity used for gasification is at least 10% of total coal production. Further, separate auction window under NRS sector has been created for making coal available for new coal gasification plants. Several coal gasification projects have been taken up. Talcher Fertilizer Ltd is setting up of an integrated coal gasification based urea plant to produce 1.27 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) neem-coated Urea. Currently, the project is under construction stage. Pre-feasibility reports have been prepared to set up Coal Gasification projects in Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Mahanadi Coalfields Limited MCL) and NLC India Limited (NLCIL). For NLCIL project, tenders have been floated for selection of agency for construction and operation of plant.
- Government of India has notified Under Ground Gasification (UCG) Policy in September, 2016 to enable the development of UCG so as to maximize the utilization of difficult to mine coal and lignite resources and promote Clean Coal Technologies.
- Government of India had formulated a Coal Bed Methane (CBM) policy in 1997 for the development of CBM. As per the policy, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG) became the Administrative Ministry and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) was made the nodal agency for the development of CBM in the country. MoPNG in consultation with the Ministry of Coal (MoC) has identified and offered CBM Blocks from coal-bearing areas. In partial modification of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) policy 1997, in 2018 GoI granted the exploration and exploitation rights of CBM to Coal India Limited (CIL) and its subsidiaries from coal bearing areas for which they possess mining lease for coal.
- Government is also promoting for beneficiation of coking coal in the country by setting up of coal washeries.
There is no specific concept to estimate Clean Coal Reserve. However, as on 01.04.2023, the total coal resource in the county is 3,78,207.28 Mt.
MoPNG launched CBM bidding rounds I to IV (2001, 2003, 2005 & 2008), out of which 8 Blocks are under operation and in the Production/Development phase. Total area of these 8 blocks is 2430 sq. km. In 2021, GOI launched Special CBM Bid Round (SCBM-21) and awarded 4 CBM Blocks covering an area of around 3860 sq. Km. At present, 12 CBM Blocks are active, 5 of which are in the production phase, 3 in the development phase and 4 blocks (awarded during SCBM-21) are under the exploration phase. The total prognosticated CBM resource of these 12 active CBM Blocks is about 480 BCM of which 6.13 BCM CBM has been produced up to Oct-2023. The projection of CBM production from 12 active CBM Blocks up to FY 2024-25 is given below:
2023-24 | 2024-25 |
844 | 1133 |
This information was given by Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.