What I have seen is spectacular, unbelievable. I can tell you, I am motivated, inspired and surcharged, all because of your presence.
Distinguished guests, officials, more importantly, we live in a nation where coaches matter, esteemed coaches.
We remember Guru Dronacharya only because he had the great ability to coach and I congratulate Mr. Mandaviya. The government has very rightly given such an award in his honour to celebrated coaches.
Proud parents of the athletes who surcharged us and we thought we have to give hope to them, they gave hope to us. Ladies and gentlemen, it is an amazing occasion for all of us.
Honouring the spirit of Special Olympics, the very theme is mind-boggling. It is an honour for me and my wife will never remember it, to inaugurate this kind of event, a unique event, Special Olympics Asia-Pacific bocce and bowling competition 2024. What was indicated by Shivani. Let me reflect on it. Let me first refer to the spirit of these games, “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” This defines progress of humanity over centuries. This defines rise of humanity, this defines the spirit that has taken us to this level and let me go to the other aspect.
The prayer starts “May you overcome ignorance, overcoming ignorance. May you challenge in difference at every turn and may you find great joy in the noon daylight of the great athletes of Special Olympics.”
Friends, by way of these games, we are celebrating something very important and that is inclusion and dignity for specially abled persons across Asia-Pacific, this reflects India's cultural ethos. Our civilisation in the world is unique. It is more than 5000 years old. What it reflects? In Divyangjan we see divinity, we see sublimity, we see spirituality and that is why in this country, under the visionary Prime Minister of Narendra Modi, several affirmative steps have been taken to provide an ecosystem to them to unleash their energy and potential to realise their hopes and aspirations to realise their dreams. I have seen this myself while greeting the parading athletes.
On this occasion, I extend my warmest heartfelt greetings to all the athletes to their coaches, families, and communities from 12 nations who have gathered here. They represent a very large campus of the globe, as indicated by Mrs. Nadda.
Friends, I would particularly make reference again to Dr. Mallika Nadda for her passionate commitment to the cause of special children. This is exemplified through the relentless work of her organisation, Chetna in Bilaspur. Chetna, the word itself defines the extent of her activity.
Sports is a language beyond dialect, sports is a language beyond lexicon, sports is a universal language, sports breaks all barriers. All limitations defined by humanity in narrow-minded space are overcome by sports, sports uniquely power the human mind and when it is sports concerning especially able children, boys and girls, and elderly people, it is a generation of a new light for hope. This is one momentous occasion.
Ladies and gentlemen, history is a testament that disability has not tamed human spirit. Human spirit is beyond taming, human spirit will surface itself, come what may Notwithstanding the enormity or extremity of challenges, the spirit is irrepressible but if we encourage the spirit, we handhold the spirit, then we get a different kind of satisfaction. An occasion like this is a satisfying moment for all of us. The example before us ladies and gentlemen, is the best example. You are champions not only on the field, but also in the game of life, where you triumph against challenges that many of us can only imagine.
It is very easy to see their performance, but just reflect, just go deep into it. They face these challenges 24X7, and yet look at their vigour, energy and enthusiasm. To athletes, each one of you, my friends, inspire us by transforming challenges into victories, showing how human determination can redefine what is possible. You are living examples, nothing is beyond the possibility of human nature. One only requires determination reflected by you in the face of challenges.
Ladies and gentlemen, especially abled individuals have a role to play in nation building. The largest, vibrantly thriving democracy Bharat, home to one-sixth of humanity, has seen the governance becoming more inclusive by ensuring and celebrating participation of Divyangjan in democratic process.
In our democratic process, Election Commission has taken all steps, every step has been taken to ensure the fundamental right, the basic right of any person on planet to be participant in deciding his or her fate by electoral ballot and vote was made available to them. The government took all steps and affirmative policies, innovative steps to so ensure.
I have seen during electionary in 2024, remote areas, difficult areas, handicaps, the kind which we see here, handicaps of old age, all were overcome to ensure right to vote, right to franchise is realised on the ground.
Ladies and gentlemen and my friends from outside the country, our foreign friends, Right of Persons with Disabilities Act was passed by the government of Mr. Narendra Modi in his first tenure. Now he is in the historic third tenure, an honour gifted to the Indian Prime Minister by the people for the first time after 60 years. Special queues during election, voting from home, braille features on EVMs and numerous other initiatives were taken in the electoral process. It doesn't stop here My friends, the reservation is made for them so that they get education. The reservation that was earlier 3% now has been announced to 5%.
It was a delightful experience for me when IAS probationers, Indian Foreign Service probationers and Central Civil Services probationers come, there are occasions when I greet people who are challenged. They are members of the worthy services, the senior services, which means Bharat is a nation that handholds to generate hope and that everyone has a meaningful life.
Indian Sign Language Research and Training Centre it was set up in 2015 and National Institute of Mental Health Rehabilitation in 2019. We are still counting on the affirmative innovative steps being taken for this very special segment. When it comes to sports, let me tell you, Centre for Disability Sports is being set up at Gwalior for specially abled citizens of all types.
Accessible India Campaign launched in 2015 ensures all institutional infrastructure gets audited to ensure it is friendly to these specially challenged people. Any institution in this country, educational, industrial or otherwise has to have facilities to ensure that facilitation is accorded to this category of people.
Bharat has taken path-breaking programmes Fit India, Khelo India and the target Olympic Podium scheme. India's sports footfalls are increasing in every walk of life. We have to reach a destination that has to be in consonance with our demographic size. We are on the way to it.
This event also marks a significant milestone in India's commitment to hosting marquee events. Ladies and gentlemen building on this foundation India has taken a bold and deserved step. A step which you never imagined we would take and that bold step is that with respect to the 2036 Olympics, India has stepped in by officially bidding to host that event.
This nation's ambitious vision and this stand reflects India's ever-readiness to be at the centre stage of global situations when it comes even of sports. Friends, we are full of hope and confidence that India will not only secure the honour of hosting the 2036 Olympics but will also set new benchmarks for successes leaving a legacy that inspires generations and why not? Not long ago, this country demonstrated to the entire world by hosting the G20 at an unbelievable benchmark.
A record level was there, every state of the country, every union territory of the country had a footfall of G20 events. We had the requisite infrastructure and facilities and therefore our bid for 2036 Olympics is well firmed up, well deserved, well earned and I have no doubt it will fructify. With a population comprising one-sixth of humanity, a nation that is having unprecedented exponential economic upsurge occupying a global space in economy at number five at the moment on becoming the third largest global economy we have to have at least one-sixth share Mandaviyaji in sports, these are challenges for you. Even for our Viksit Bharat in 2047 the challenge is there. The challenge is our per capita income has to go eightfold. People like Naveen Jindal and others have to contribute massively.
Friends, we all can feel a seismic shift in the attitude towards sports in India. When I was a child, what we used to hear? 'पढ़ोगे लिखोगे बनोगे नवाब, खेलोगे कूदोगे बनोगे खराब। The idea was not pro-sports. Sports was on the back burner, now times have changed. The new mantra is “किताब भी जरूरी खेल भी जरूरी दोनों के बिना जिंदगी अधूरी।” All over the country this is the message.
Ladies and gentlemen sport is no longer seen as an extracurricular activity. It is an essential part of education and life. A vehicle of character building fostering unity and infusing us with national pride. On this occasion I would like to flag a serious concern for entire society and this is very serious. It is getting alarmingly worrisome. In today's fastest dasiaigital world our youth and children are increasingly consumed by small plastic screens. the mobile, they are pushed into digital playgrounds pushed away from real playgrounds.
I will, as every parent in particular to ensure that their children are not deprived of real playgrounds because of these small plastic screens. Let us make sure that this digital obsession does not deprive the children that the generation the thrill the spirit the enlightenment of the real playground.
Ladies and gentlemen this Special Olympics represents our commitment to universal inclusion where every athlete proves what's possible when society embraces all abilities. Let us all appreciate the dedicated support of coaches, families and mentors.
May this event be marked by success, fair play and inspiration for us all. One of our great sages who mesmerised the entire world by his Chicago address ladies and gentlemen, I am referring to Swami Vivekanandaji, He gave us a message “Arise awake and stop not till the goal is achieved.”
I have great pleasure now ladies and gentlemen I declare this Special Olympics Asia-Pacific Bocce and Bowling Competition 2024 open.
Thank you.