10 Ways to Remember Martin Luther King, Jr.

Most students have a basic understanding of the accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr. They comprehend that he was synonymous with freedom, justice, and equality, among other traits.

But how deep does your students’ understanding of Dr. King go? Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Jordan Catapano outlines several tactics educators can use to get their kids to gain a more thorough grasp of the importance of the civil rights icon, including:

  • Read “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
  • Encourage kids to make speeches of their own
  • Compare Dr. King to others
  • And more!

All in all, it’s important to help your students understand that MLK Day is about more than just a day off.

How do you recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. in your classroom?

Beating Teacher Burnout Through Motivation

Oftentimes, educators of every level of experience focus on how to motivate students, all the while neglecting how to keep themselves motivated.

Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox tackles the treacherous issue of teacher burnout and lays out several methods by which teachers can motivate themselves this season, including:

  • Use Motivational Quotes
  • Control Your Work Space
  • Start Fresh Each Day
  • And more!

Successful teachers are self-motivators, and have mastered the fine art of self-motivation and know what works and what doesn’t.

How do you motivate yourself throughout the school year? Do you have tips or tricks that work well for you?

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