11 Back-to-School Activities for the First Month

We’re all already knee-deep (well, maybe ankle deep) into the new school year. Some of us are immersed in chaos, others are already inspiring their legions of 2017-20187 students.

Regardless of how your class is coming along, you can probably use some helpful back to school activities to help you along. With that in mind, frequent TeachHUB.com contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who is a seasoned technology teacher based in Northern California, takes a look at some “Activities I've collected from colleagues using transformative tools that optimize learning while making students active participants in expected learning outcomes.”

Jacqui’s ideas include:
  • Create a Timeline of Class Events
  • Class Rules
  • QR Codes
  • Virtual Collaborative Board

And More!

Jacqui sums up her article like this: “Whatever you do, make it a dynamic example of what is in store for students this school year. Leave them energized, excited, and ready to participate in a year's worth of learning.”

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