Teaching Strategies to Become a Memorable Educator

Think back to your days as a student. Which educators inspired you to do your best? Chances are that that individual was caring, passionate, encouraging, and bestowing and espousing values that will stand the test of time.
Those traits and qualities are good to revisit in your career as an educator, it turns out. Today on TeachHUB.com, frequent contributing writer Janelle Cox looks at some teaching strategies that can help you make a good and long-lasting impression on your students.
Janelle should know: She’s also a seasoned elementary school educator based in Upstate New York.
Janelle’s ideas include:
  • Be Passionate about Your Job
  • Be an Inspiration
  • Always Be Approachable
  • And More!

In a paragraph entitled “Make a Connection with Your Students,” Janelle notes:  “Making a connection with your students is one of the best ways to form a solid relationship with them. Find a way to understand your students so you can build a deeper connection with them.”
Janelle sums up her article in this manner: “Teachers are often the people that inspire us the most. They are the ones that assist us on the path to a successful education and life. And sometimes, the teachers that make the biggest impression on us during our schooling are the ones that push us to do our best. The teachers that we once thought were so hard on us turned out to be the one that made us who are today. You may have not known it then, but looking back, you can see the impact that teacher had on you, and how it affected your future. Be that memorable teacher for your students.”
What qualities do you think a memorable teacher must possess? Share your thoughts and teaching strategies in the comment section below, we would love to hear what you have to say.