Rabindranath Tagore: a True Legend

Rabindranath Tagore's bequest and commitment to the field of Bengali and English Literature can be gaged from the regar…

Why we fool ourselves

Let’s accept it, all of us deceive ourselves. We lie to ourselves through our teeth. Our minds habitually distort (or ignor…


. If you’re a nature lover, Chandlai Lake Jaipur is an unexplored place, and you would definitely love the destination for …

Chacha nehru our pride

Jawaharlal Nehru is former prime minister of India. He was born in 14 November 1889 in prayagraj .On his birthday every year…

Prostitution is also a profession

Jaipur: Supreme Court recently passed a judgement on sex workers and prostitution. A three judge bench led by Justice L.Nag…

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