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One of the best time-tested ways to build up the academic abilities of students is by creating teaching strategies that engage parents. When mom or dad (or both) gets actively involved in the classroom setting, it almost always leads to report card success. The publication School Community Journal even acknowledges, "There is a sizable body of research literature supporting the involvement of parents in educational settings and activities."  Of course, getting parents involved in your class is no easy task. But today on, frequent contributing writer Jacqui Murray, who is also a technology teacher, outlines several ways that educators can engage parents in their classroom goings-on, including:  Create a family-friendly environment Hold parent classes Communicate with parents And more!   Overall, Jacqui notes that in addition to their classroom roles and teaching strategies, teachers need to be parent resources and that they need to be accessible to them.  How do you involve parents in your classes? How successful is this effort?  Learn more teaching strategies that will engage parents>>  Top 12 Things You Learned In School That Your Students Won’t  One of the most-commented upon articles we’ve ever published has been a rundown of the top 12 things that “older” folks learned in school that are now viewed as practically academically obsolete.  Some of these endangered classroom species include:  Cursive writing Typing Paper-based reference materials And more   Are you fighting to keep these lessons alive in your classroom? What did we miss on the list? -